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Organizations |
Description |
Pursuant to section 280.17(6), Florida Statutes, requires the annual submission to the Chief Financial Officer by November 30 a report of all public deposits held for the credit of all public depositors at the close of business on September 30. Such annual report must consist of public deposit information in a report format prescribed by the Chief Financial Officer. The manner of required filing may be as a signed writing or electronic data transmission, at the discretion of the Chief Financial Officer.
Statute |
Submission Date |
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Designated Recipient |
Subject: Organization |
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Use and Reproduction |
Use and Reproduction
This bibliographic record is available under the Creative Commons CC0 "No Rights Reserved" license. The State Library of Florida, as creator of this bibliographic record, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.