During Special Legislative Session held in June 2017, Senate Bill 8A amended section 381.986, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and includes provisions directing the Florida Department of Health to develop a statewide public service education campaign to inform and educate Floridians on newly established medical marijuana laws and the importance of responsible use. There are specific objectives established in statute including publicizing accurate information regarding the legal requirements for illicit use and possession; the safe use of medical marijuana and preventing access by those other than the qualified patient, particularly children; and the short-term and long-term effects of medical marijuana use, particularly on minors and young adults. Section 381.986 F.S. also directs the department to contract with an independent entity to conduct annual evaluations of the campaign. Per statute, during year one of the program, the evaluator shall conduct surveys to establish baseline data on youth and adult cannabis use, the attitudes of youth and the general public toward cannabis and marijuana, and any other data deemed necessary for long-term analysis. Pursuant to section 381.989(2), by January 31 of each year, the department shall submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives the annual evaluation of the campaign.